— The Phantoms Project
Phantoms Placeholder

Phantoms: Journies after relics of Dictatorships

Before you are about 500 photographs taken by me for a project I called “Phantoms”.

I began working on the project in 2009 (with the exception of the Black and White images that were taken earlier, in the 1980’s). I’d like to ask you to choose one photo and write a short text (max. 500 words) describing it.

Below are some questions that might ease the process of writing, if you see a need to:

Why did you choose this image?
Where there any details that caught your attention?
Does it bring up any distinct memory, or does it remind you of anyone?
Does watching it stir in you any set of emotions, or any feeling in general?
What associations come up from viewing the image?

Please note there is an option for a few comments to the same image. The first comment will be indicated with red color. Some descriptions received I will publish in a future book or catalog. I would see a text sent as a permission to do so, unless indicated otherwise.

Your effort is much appreciated. Thank you!

Dana Arieli
Photography & Research